Trust our techs to service your Furnace in Omaha NE or Valley
Advanced Heating and Air Conditioning has certified technicians to take care of your Furnace installation near Elkhorn NE.
Advanced Heating and Air Conditioning has certified technicians to take care of your Furnace installation near Omaha NE.

Your Trusted Heating and Cooling Contractor in the Greater Omaha, Nebraska Area


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Hey - We Know A Guy!

It looks like you’re interested in learning more about a service we don’t provide. No worries though! We've worked alongside some other awesome contractors in the past that our mutual clients have really appreciated as well.

Just give us a call at (402) 359-2213, share with us specifically what you’re looking to accomplish, and we’d be happy to suggest some great options for you.

After-Hours Emergency Service Available
Call (402) 359-2213
Map & Directions
Advanced Heating and Air Conditioning is your preferred Rheem Pro Partnet for Furnace in Valley NE.
Get In Touch
Address:   232 N. West St. PO Box 622 Valley, NE 68064-0646
Hours:    MON - FRI: 8AM - 5PM
SAT: 8AM - 12 PM
24 Hour Emergency Service
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For After-Hours Emergency Service Available, Call (402) 359-2213
Get In Touch
Address:   232 N. West St. PO Box 622 Valley, NE 68064-0646
Hours:    MON - FRI: 8AM - 5PM
24 Hour Emergency Service
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